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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №8 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Distributed Development of Data Input System for Applications of Modeling of Radar and Informational Facilities Based on Model-View-Controller Design Pattern
B. V. Kuchin
While developing complex software systems for display/input of user data with group of developers when data could be used by multiple developers problems could arise. If every developer uses its own copy of data in its part of complex system then there would be synchronization problems. An example of data input system for applications of modelling of radar and informational systems, where mentioned problems arise, is given. Proposed solution is to use Model-View-Controller design pattern, when all data is stored in model and different parts of application display this data but nor own it neither control it. Example of how one can process user input of data in data input system for applications of modelling of radar and informational systems via Model-View-Controller design pattern to synchronize displayed data in all parts of the application. Pros of using Model-View-Controller are summarized at the end of the paper.
Pages: 10-13
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