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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №6 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Burst Noise in Electronic Devices
B. I. Yakubovich
Multistage burst noise in electronic devices was investigated. Noise of this type represents a random signal which can accept one of three or more possible values. Multistage burst noise is observed in various electronic devices. Thus it not well enough is studied. Noise can influence on technical characteristics and working capacity of electronic devices. In this connection researches of multistage burst noise are actual. In this article the spectrum of burst noise is analysed. Multistage burst noise is considered as follows. There is a random signal of the step form which can accept any finite number of possible values. Originally we calculate spectrum of burst noise in the following case. The probability of change of value of signal is statistically connected with its value, statistical connection is set in a general form. As a result expression of a general form for spectrum of multistage burst noise is calculated. Further multistage burst noise with uniform distribution of probability of change of value of signal for each step is considered. Uniform distribution of probability leads to exponential distribution of times for each possible value of signal. Such exponential distribution of times is observed in a big number of experiments on studying of burst noise. The spectrum of multistage burst noise is calculated under the conditions specified above. Further more special case is analysed. Times are distributed exponential, and distributions are identical to each step. The noise spectrum is calculated. It is established that in this case it looks like Lorentzian spectrum. The basic results of article the following. The quantitative description of multistage burst noise is given. Expression of a general form for spectrum of noise of this type is calculated. For noise spectrum expressions are found in various cases. The obtained formulas can be used for an estimation of level and determination of spectral characteristics of burst noise.
Pages: 65-67
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