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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №6 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Spectrum оf Three-Level Random Signal
B.I. Yakubovich
Many stochastic processes flowing in various physical systems, has the form random signal which can assume one of three possible values. A wide extending and, in many cases, the fundamental and practical importance of stochastic processes in the physics, leading to the three-level random signal, do important carrying out of researches of the spectrum of such signal. In article the problem about calculation of the spectrum of three-level random signal in enough general form is solved. The three-level random signal represents random sequence of pulses. We consider this signal in enough general form. The basis of such consideration is made by the following positions: distributions of parameters of pulse are set in general form, pulse parameters are statistically connected. We calculated the spectrum of random signal. As a result the formula of general form for the spectrum of three-level random signal is calculated. From this formula it is possible to obtain expressions for spectra of such signal in various special cases. In article the three-level random signal is analysed, and expression of general form for its spectrum is obtained. This formula can be used for analysis of the numerous stochastic processes having the form of such signal, independent of their physical nature. Thus, for the wide class of stochastic processes which are taking place in various physical objects and many technical devices, it is not required to calculate spectrum of process as it can be determined from the obtained general formula.
Pages: 56-58
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