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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №5 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Estimation Immunity of Invariant Communication System
telecommunication systems
invariant system communication
nonlinear systems
chaotic signals
K.N. Leonov, A.A. Potapov, P.A. Ushakov
In this paper, we estimate immunity invariant communication systems to various types of noise present in the communication channel. Invariant system of communication - a new word in the transmission of information using chaotic signals. This system has a given frequency spectrum, secrecy of data transmitted and high noise immunity.
For additive noise such as white noise, it was shown that the minimum signal to noise ratio, which allows confident communication, there is a logarithmic dependence of the signal base. When the base signal of more than 1000 self-assured relationship is observed for negative values of SNR.
The possibility of an invariant system of communication in multicast systems with code division, sharing the same frequency resource. Results of immunity similar to those obtained for the interference of the "white noise".
Immunity to interference invariant of the system to harmonic interference is virtually independent of frequency interference and signal base and depends only on the power ratio of useful signal and interference.
Invariant system of communication showed a high immunity to impulse noise.
Suggested ways to improve the immunity system to various forms of interference.
Pages: 21-27
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