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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №5 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
The Designing of Fractal Proportionally-Integral-Differential Regulators of Fractional Order
D.A. Beckmachev, A.A. Potapov, P.A. Ushakov
The PID-regulator ( < 1, < 1) conception as a generalization of PID-regulator is presented in this work. The methodology of PID-regulator designing by the known model of the control object and for the specified requirements to the regulation quality is proposed. An example of PID-regulator implementation for the system of object control with the transfer function of fractional order (so-called fractal control) is considered. As opposed to the classical PID-regulators the dynamical links of PID-regulator under study are performed on the basis of RC-elements with distributed parameters which specify the necessary fractional order of the integration and differentiation operation performing. The computer modeling of the control system with PID-regulator was conducted on the system and circuit level. This work gives the engineer an opportunity to design a new type of PID-regulators (PID-regulators) which allow significantly improve the regulation characteristics of objects automatic control systems with so-called "fractional" or "fractal" dynamics as the conducted modeling has shown.
Pages: 13-20
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