350 rub
Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №3 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Tendencies of development of modern electrosurgery (Scientific - state-of-the-art review)
S. V. Belov, V. G. Vedenkov, Yu. K. Danileiko, V. A. Salyuk
The irreplaceable tool for a section and coagulations of soft fabrics are the high-frequency electrosurgical devices realizing various technologies of electrosurgical influences. The analysis of tendencies of development of the modern electrosurgical equipment shows, that occurrence of devices of new generation first of all is based on development of innovative technologies. From the point of view of practical surgery to the most effective technologies used in modern devices, concern: technology of the explosive mechanism of influence; technology of Argon plasma coagulation; technology of a combination of Pulse-periodic and Рlasma influence; technology of coblation; molecular-resonance surgery. The electrosurgical devices of new generation providing a smooth cut without mechanical pressure and effective coagulation with an adequate hemostasis and the minimal traumatism are most claimed. The Molecular Quantic Resonance generators, also the devices using low temperature plasma concern to number of such devices.
Pages: 11-16
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