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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №12 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Calculation of Probability of Detection of an Air Target of the Airborne Active - Passive Radar with the Phased Array in the Conditions of Handicapes
S.A. Mоchalov
In paper method of a calculation of probability of detection of an air target of the airborne radar of the aircraft with the phased array in the conditions of handicapes are observed. The basic attention is given the account of features of functioning such radar: to flexible survey of space, possibilities of formation of «nulls» on sources of handicapes, work in an is active-passive regime. The probability of detection of the purpose can be presented in the form of convolution of probabilities of detection of the purpose active, passive channels and probabilities of identification of given these channels. Probabilities of identification it is defined by magnitude of return to quantity of the bearings created on a source of handicapes. Value of probability of detection of a source of handicapes passive channel of a radar close to unit, the basic attention in paper is given calculation of probability of detection of the purpose by active channel of a radar from phased array. The basic features of a radar from phased array are manifested at an estimation of parametre of detection of the purpose entering into resulted expressions of probability of detection of an air target. Expression for an estimation of a time of survey of the space zone is gained at a regime of scanning of space with the periodical reference to the accompanied purposes. By its differentiation the formulas are gained, allowing to count rational value of a time of survey of a zone and, accordingly, duration of pulse bursts radar at which the maximum of a picking-up range of purpose radar is attained. The expressions are resulted, allowing to size up a diagramme of antennas at known values first and background tabs taking into account compensation of handicapes. It is offered to consider reserve of work a radar from phased array by introduction in parametre of detection of the purposes of cover probability pulses radar a handicap depending, including, from irradiation time signals of a radar of the director of handicapes.
Pages: 58-63
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