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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №1 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Structural Analysis of Models of Boxes of Radio and Electronical Means with Using Subsystem Asonika-M and Examining the Possability of Their Further Optimization
D. B. Solovyov, A. S. Shalumov, D. A. Sposob, E. O. Pershin
Modeling the objects of radio and electonical equipment on influence of input mechanical factors makes possible to determine such dynamic characteristics of object as resonance frequencies, accelerations and mechanical stress and state the stability of constructing object.
Process of modeling is automated transformation the description construction through geometrical model to finite elemental model and after that to mathematical model.
Generated geometrical model meshed in global case by means of not linear net on separate sub regions finite elements. For this means at first for every element of geometry model is necessary to appoint necessary attributes and material.
In frames of sub system ASONIKA-M was realized an interface, which allows to carry out the constructing of typical models of solid boxes in different configuration. Also in this article the possibility to carry out the of optimization of construction by means of adjusted purpose function. The sizes of box, the number of stories, the number of printed units on each story.
After the model building in the subsystem interface the displacement of construction is mentioned on each of six sides. It is also possible to choose the configurati on of elements of displacement of circular or rectangular section. For this its necessary to input the parameters of displacement in item "Displacement" and choose the side of construction. Further the built model is set to computing, which can take a lot of time.
After the calculation is carried out the user of subsystem can look through the results of structural analysis of model on this or that mechanical influence by means of comfortable interface, and state the strength characteristics of designed model on operation forces and also determine the places in construction where the overloads are possible and look through loads in each of having points of construction, find the places in which is possible to carry out the optimization of construction.
Pages: 56-60
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