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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №1 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Hardware-Software-Aided Design, Hardware Virtualization Tests and Resistance to Destabilizing Factors in the Operation of Radio-Electronic Equipment Analysis and Maintenance of Thermal Values of Designs Radio Electronic Means with the Help of the Subsystem ASONIKA-T
N. A. Shalumova, A. S. Shalumov, O. Yu. Martunov, T. A. Bagaeva
At designing of radio electronic means it is necessary to supply their reliability and quality. Thus the relevant role is allocated to mathematical modelling of physical processes, flowing past in an item, of the different nature (thermal, mechanical, aerodynamic, electrical etc.), and also information support of all stages of a life cycle of designed objects. Now there is a Russian complex automated system of maintenance of reliability and quality of instrumentation (ASONIKA). This system is intended for proximate analysis of radio electronic means on thermal, mechanical and other effects on early design stages, that allows to lower terms and costs of designing. ASONIKA includes 7 subsystems, each of which will realise a separate problem, in particular subsystem ASONIKA-T is intended for the analysis and maintenance of thermal values of designs of radio electronic means. In the given activity the problems of simulation of thermal processes in designs of radio electronic means with the help of the subsystem ASONIKA-T are reviewed.
Pages: 42-50
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