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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №7 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Computer modeling and experimental verification of mathematical models of the thermal radio radiation of natural media
O. R. Nikitin, A. V. Nikitin, A. A. Shulyatyev
A promising direction in the development of national economy of the country is remote sensing of the Earth's surface with radio-technical instruments. The resulting information from such research can be applied in solving a number of critical environmental and other problems. The main obstacle in the development of radio techniques to study the Earth's surface is the extreme complexity of creating mathematical models of the underlying surface. The most effective is the mathematical modeling of individual cases of the underlying surface and the construction of the bank of mathematical models. Many versions of the underlying surface can be represented by layered media with different electrodynamic parameters. In [4, 5] a mathematical description of many variants of layered media is presented. Some of them formed the basis for a software package for computer simulation of thermal radiation of natural media. For the validation of computer models a number of experiments to measure the thermal radiation of physical models of natural environments were performed. By comparing the results the following conclusions were made. First, measurement error tends to increase with the number of layers and the wavelength decreases. This suggests that the course of the experiment was also influenced by additional factors not accounted for the initial model. Second, the observed qualitative agreement between the retical calculations and experimental results suggests the reliability of the developed models. Summarizing the above, we must conclude that the developed computer model can be used for modeling thermal radiation of natural media
Pages: 71-74
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