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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №7 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Ultrafast ADCs. Part. 4. ADCs Fracilities and Future Trends
Yu. V. Koltzov
The review (pt.1-pt.4) sums up the development of ultrafast analog-to-digital conversion for the last decade (1998-2008). Questions of applications of ultrafast ADCs by the example of location systems with active phased antenna arrays which are able to utilize subnano - and picosecond signals are considered. Models of ultrafast ADCs with the best data for every year of the decade are presented. ADCs classification and basic data are reviewed, conversion methods and their comparison characteristics are considered. Primary world ultrafast ADCs manufacturers are considered. Ultrafast ADCs data and multuchannels ADCs, board digitizers and ADC-DAC boards are examined. ADCs data are reviewed as applied to industrial and research converters. Facilities of modern ultrafast conversion and future trends on the next decade are pointed out.
Pages: 61-70
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