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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №7 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Survey of current state of designs and applications of nonlinear parametrical zone converters working in the higher zones of oscillations instability
Cherckesova L. V.
In XXI-st century the development of nanometric range of the sizes of electronic techniques of different function excites great interest. Researches of parametrical interactions of electromagnetic wave fields of considerable intensity with the nonlinear environment (a gas mix, semi-conductor crystals, etc.) are actual. The processes occurring in nonlinear systems of type «the active environment - an electromagnetic field», underlie functioning of almost all electronic-and-wave devices: from vacuum and solid-state electronic devices - to laser and plasma devices. The special attention of the scientific world is given to studying and the analysis of the processes occurring in strongly nonlinear systems, which steels by object of studying of almost all areas of natural sciences, and in particular, synergetics since in complicated nonlinear parametrical zone (pazone) systems (NPS) the various physical nature as a result of the coordinated interaction of their parts self-organizing processes are observed. Physical processes in all nonlinear-parametrical zone systems on the higher harmonics are identical, therefore in each zone of instability parametrical oscillations have the identical form, identical basic parities between magnetizing forces and amplitudes of magnetic streams of the various harmonics, similar external characteristics, character and duration of transients. The general questions of the theory and the analysis separate NPS is a basis for designing of functional devices of different function on their basis. By their working out the most essential moment is the choice of type of the converter, caused by appointment, working signals, deviation of parameters and operational characteristics. In comparison with magnetic modulators, differentiation such systems allows to compensate considerably temperature and time errors, to reduce non-balance of power on an exit by 2-3 numeric order and considerably to increase sensitivity of the device. The converter design, in turn, defines device and requirement structure to its other knots (to rating generator, to capacitive amplifier, the demodulator, etc.). In this article the structural decisions and a principle of action of various devices constructed on the basis of nonlinear parametrical zone (pazone) of systems designs of the converter directly influencing type are considered. In comparison with magnetic modulators, differentiations such systems allows considerably to compensate temperature and time errors, to reduce the non-balance of voltage on an exit by 2-3 order and considerably to increase the sensitivity of devices. The converter design, in turn, defines device and requirement structure to its other knots (to the rating generator, the power/capacitive amplifier, the demodulator, etc.). The converters, based of NPS and working on the higher harmonics, have advantages in comparison with NPS, using a mode of subharmonic oscillations − increase of accuracy, stability and reliability; increasing in 3-4 times of fast-acting; decreasing in 3-4 times of quantity of elements on realization of operations «AND», «OR», «NOT»; economic effect. Converters are universal on application. They are using as amplifiers-modulators, nonlinear and measuring converters, multipurpose and multistable devices. On their basis it was developed: logic elements, zero-organs, comparison schemes, adders, counters, registers, etc. Big possibilities and perspectives for developing inductive and capacitive NPS open application of magnetic pellicle and solid-state electronics.
Pages: 3-18
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