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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №6 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Silicon Nanoelectronics: Problems and Prospects
Valiev K. A., Vyurkov V. V., Orlikovsky A. A.
Issues and prospects of the silicon-based electronics are overviewed. The nearest technological break-through is undoubtedly connected with employment of - silicon-on-insulator - structures with an ultrathin fully depleted body (UTB FD SOI MOSFET). Combining with metallic gates and high-k gate dielectrics it allows achieving a smaller size of elements, lower power consumption and higher frequencies of operation. The simulation of such transistors was performed with the help of quantum approach. It reveals the impact of realistic imperfections (random charged centers in a channel and rough channel walls) on a dispersion of characteristics of transistors in a circuit. A comparison of a SOI MOSFET with competing devices is presented. Solid-state implementations of a quantum computer which can be fabricated by micro- and nanotechnology means are reviewed.
Pages: 7-22
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