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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №3 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Trajectory Estimation for Targets Observed by Space Based Small Optical Sensors
optical sensors
CCD matrix
angle only measurements
trajectory estimation
polynomial dynamics
nonlinear estimation problem
state vector
А.Е. Коlessa
The problem of trajectory estimation based on angle only measurements from a system of space based optical sensors with CCD matrices is considered. It is supposed that optical images from each sensor are preliminary processed to extract target blips and tracks as well as track-to-track identification problem is preliminary solved.
For any law of motion (depending on a type of a target) the algorithm is proposed to estimate corresponding state vector and to calculate the covariance matrix of estimation errors. The algorithm is based on Globally Iterated Least Square procedure. To initialize this procedure a linear estimate is proposed for the case when the state vector is composed of functions on target position and its derivatives on time. This estimate is based on a polynomial model of motion applied independently for each coordinate.
Pages: 14-18
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