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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №2 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
40-60 GHz Wide-Band Frequency Converters. The Design Problems
A.M. Schitov, V.A. Shumilov, V.L. Mikhaylovskiy, T.G. Vesnitskaya, G.M. Beresneva, V.S. Istomin, A.E. Serebryakov, M.P. Vinarskiy
The design peculiarities are considered and the results of breadboading of wideband converters, which transfer microwave signals from 40-50 and 50-60 GHz into 616 GHz range are presented. The converter set comprises: ac power supply, 4 GHz local oscillator (LO) unit, 40-50 and 50-60 GHz microwave input modules, which are designed to mount a radioreceiving device on an antenna. The converter block-diagrams are analyzed and design peculiarities of various microwave devices (low-noise amplifiers, mixers, frequency multipliers, filters and local oscillator signal sources) are pre-sented. Microwave signals are converted using diode balanced mixers with a fixed frequency of a LO and a wideband IF. The low-noise amplifiers are input components of microwave modules, which provide high sensitivity and a low noise factor (not more than 5 dB) of the converters. The LO signals of 56 and 44 GHz are formed by multiplying a 4 GHz LO signal of a low-noise source. The LO signal phase noise level is not more than 88 dBc at 1 kHz offset from carrier. The best selection of LO signal frequencies, their high spectral purity, precise calculations and realization of the converter filtering circuits provide parasitic receiving channel suppression of not less than 40 dB.
Pages: 43-51
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