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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №2 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Microwave Power Divider/Combiners
power divider/combiners
directional couplers
hybrid microwave devices
Wilkinson power dividers
hybrid couplers
lumped-elements power divider/combiners
V.A. Pechurin, A.S. Petrov
The analysis of the results achieved in the miniaturized microwave power dividers/combiners in the period from 2001 to 2009 is presented in this review. The structures of approximately 50 new or modified devices are described and design equations are derived. Conclusions about the directions and results of the progress in the miniaturized microwave power dividers/combiners are drawn. Firstly, methods of cardinal reduction of the overall size of devices that can be now placed on the body of monolithic integrated circuit are suggested. The success is achieved by the following: using hybrid circuits that consist of elements with distributed and lumped parameters; including into the circuits special types ?, T - and combined ? T - sections; fractal topological realization of the devices. Secondly, double - and multifrequency operating modes of power dividers/combiners is achieved. Besides, frequency ratios can be actually not equal to integer number. Thirdly, effective band enchantment of the hybrid ring operating frequency is achieved by attaching matching circuits in input and using combined right-hand and left-hand circuits. Right-hand circuits were realized on transmission lines or low-frequency filters, when left-hand circuits are performed on the basis of high-frequency filters. Using of right-hand and left-hand circuits also allows performing unusual devices with zero phase length in the broad band as well as to develop quarter-phase and counter-phase power dividers on the basis of in-phase Wilkinson power dividers/combiners. Fourthly, new methods of balancing phase length difference of the coupled lines segments for even and odd mode were found. As a result, power dividers/combiners performed on such basis have distinctly better characteristics. Fifthly, new useful structures of miniaturized power dividers/combiners on 3D and solid integrated circuits were performed. Finally, sixthly, prototypes, named supreme circuit trans-projections, with ideal transformers and impedance/admittance invertors for 10 types of nonsymmetrical power dividers/combiners of interference type were proposed giving simple calculation equations.
Pages: 5-42
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