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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №11 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Influence of additive Gaussian noise on determination of depth Nakagami fading of radiosignal
V. I. Suсhilin
In the article is considered event Nakagami fading of radiosignal envelope. Nakagami probability density (PD) depends on the parame-ter m - depths of fading and parameter ? an average square of amplitude the fading radiosignal.
Value of parameter m powerfully influences upon probability of error of receiving a bit of discrete reporting, send on radiolines with Na-kagami fading and additive Gaussian noise with the dispersion . So evaluations of parameter m practically useful at the quality de-termination of such radiolines.
Known determination of parameter m in initial moments Nakagami PD. But on aplicability of this determination in real conditions renders an influence presence of additive Gaussian noise. In real conditions to observing available counting out radiosignal envelope amounts with Nakagami fading and Gaussian noise. So one of the problems of article consisted in the determination and in the analysis envelope DP this amounts and its initial moments.
In the article is considered radiosignal amount with Nakagami fading and Gaussian noise. They Were executed mathematical opera-tions, which have allow to define a probabilistic description of this amount envelope. Were they Herewith determined expressions for PD this amount envelopes, as well as for initial moments received PD. Conduct analysis of asymptotic characteristics received PD, are brought graphs, and this has give a chance match Nakagami PD and received PD under different parameters m, , .
For the analysis of effect of presence of additive Gaussian noise in real conditions, in the expression of parameter m in initial moments Nakagami PD was realize changing the initial moments Nakagami PD for initial moments received PD. On the base of this method were received and analyse expressions for relative systematic inaccuracy of determination of parameter m in initial moments Nakagami PD in real conditions. Brought corresponding graphs.
Received expression for average signal-noise a rations (SNR), which required for that, to relative systematic inaccuracy of determination of parameter m in initial moments Nakagami PD in real conditions was less given inaccuracy. Brought necessary graphic dependencies, which allow graphically to define required average SNR to presence of additive Gaussian noise at the determination of parameter m in real conditions possible was neglect.
Also in the article cited an instance results of computer modeling of estimations of parameter m on the method of maximum likelihood in two events: in the event of the account of presence of additive Gaussian noise and if no such account.
Executed analysis allows value necessary average SNR on powers, for which at the evaluation of depth Nakagami fading possible to neglect a presence of additive Gaussian noise, as a value not less than 20 dB under true, moreover with increase a parameter m and this SNR too increases.
The whole in the article is brought 7 illustrations in the manner of graphic dependencies.
Bring references to 11 literary sources.
Pages: 47-54