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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №11 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
The coordinating-connected identification on the basis of the discrete filtration theory and statistical processing of experimental data
S. S. Tkachenko, A. V. Avramov
Perfection of systems of the identification of air objects is a problem exclusively important and actual. One of directions under the decision of the given problem is the method of the coordinating-connected identification based on a coordinate-s identification of the purpose by the accompanied onboard radar station and coordinates of the object transferred by channel of multifunctional integrated system of connect, navigation and identification (MIS CNI). However, the algorithms realizing this method, based on the theory of filtrations for discrete-continuous casual processes, have restriction on resolution on distance between objects. In this case it is offered to use difference between values of coordinates instead of the values of coordinates. This difference allows to apply during the identification the theory of statistical processing of experimental data together with a discrete filtration. In this case, as estimations of a difference of coordinates use the statistical and smoothed estimation. Here the statistical estimation has no restrictions on resolution. And, the smoothed estimation has advantage at the initial stage of the identification. Besides it is offered to use dispersions of a difference of coordinates as an attribute of the identification. Last parameter shows a positive effect at fluctuation of distance between objects. The analysis of the above-stated parameters has shown that at reduction of distance between the purpose and the subscriber of MIS CNI for maintenance of demanded reliability of the identification it is necessary to increase quantity of steps of identification accordingly. Here restrictions on resolution on distance will be defined by characteristics of the onboard radar station and a maximum quantity of independent steps of an identification of the coordinate infor-mation.
Pages: 15-20
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