350 rub
Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №11 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Optimal image reconstruction in radar systems of the earth surface monitoring
A. V. Korennoy, S. A. Lepeshkin
The method of optimal processing of random fields is devised conformably to the problems of image reconstruction in radar systems of the Earth surface monitoring. The comparative analysis of the devised method and widespread in practice suboptimal method of matched filtration is made. It is found that matched filtration is a special case of the most general Bayesian method, it is used in the cases where the error of trajectory signal formation is low (high SNR, low trajectory distortion). Use of the Bayesian method can significantly expand the range of practical tasks associated with the processing of radar images. The results of statistical modeling confirm the efficiency of algorithms, synthesized on the basis of the method of optimal processing of random fields conformably to the problems of image reconstruction in radar systems of the Earth surface monitoring and show their high efficiency in comparison with the suboptimal matched filtration ap-plied today.
Pages: 6-9
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