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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №9 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Interacting of Microwave Radiation with Multilayered Metal-Dielectric-Semiconductor (MDS) Structures
A. A. Prilutsky
Last successes in the semiconductors synthesis of including organic semiconductors make possible to create essentially new antennas and microwave devices using artificial controllable medium. Such artificial medium can be, for example, the medium consisting of alternating layers of metal, dielectric, the semiconductor - MDS-structures. The semiconductor film under the influence of control action, in particular UF radiations, has exterior biasing capable to change the conductivity for some orders, being transmuted almost from pure dielectric in almost ideal conductor, thereby making change of phase a dielectric-metal. Using these properties of a semiconductor film in a combination with matching stratums of dielectric and metal films, it is possible to create medium which actively interact with microwave, for example, carry out controllable phase shift, signal attenuation. The mathematical model of electromagnetic wave reflexion from the medium consisting of alternating dielectric and semiconductor layers on a metal basis is gained. The model is grounded on the strict solution of an electrodynamics problem for oblique slope TM and TE-waves. It is shown that at change of phase of the semiconductor (dielectric material-metal) under an external action, for example light, the reflected wave module and phase changes. Effects of numerical modeling of oblique slope of the E-wave on a multilayered structure are resulted. It is shown that the module and a phase of a wave reflexion coefficient depend on electrical and geometrical parameters of the structural medium.
Pages: 74-80
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