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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №7 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Potential Opportunities of Parametrical Channel of Communication through Air-Water Interface
G. Y. Shaidurov
Marine technology development, the technique of depths mastering, the program of manned submersible and unmanned submersible creation demands information circuit and bridging development. The existing communication systems of coast-sea type by underwater reception is based on electromagnetic channel making on low and ultralow frequencies which allows us to decrease electromagnetic emission absorption by sea water and to have working depths communication about 75m on 10000 km distance on frequency 45 - 75 Hz. Still here, for emission we need higher transmitters power. The return channel from submersible-craft is arranged by radio buoy that substantially complicates its service because of sea state effect, needs to stop motions and so on. In this article the estimation of needed communication channel-s power budget between airship and submersible craft is given that is based on parametric interaction of electromagnetic and acoustic fluctuation on the air-water interface. Here transmission channel water-air is realized with the help of modulation phase of reflected electromagnetic mode by vibrational displacement of water surface with acoustic radiator from communicating submersible craft. Air-water interface is realized by parametric demodulation in electromagnetic fluctuation skin layer emitted by surface transmitter. The acoustic radiator in submersible craft is used as a reference source. The air-water interface power budget as air vehicle transmitter power rate to its receiver sensibility, is proportional to the used electromagnetic wave length sextic and for the case of mirror reflection depends on submersible craft location depth weakly. In the case of diffuse reflection these relations are inversely proportional to the depth. For the air-water interface it is given the assessment of gain in the depth of underwater reception of parametric method in comparison with classic way of electromagnetic signal from the air receiving. Having identical information rate, the gain of parametrical channel in salt water starts to develop at a depth of 50 meters. Its essential advantage is terrestrial transmitting antenna downsizing as the channel optimum working frequency rises from the units of hertz to 15-20 КHz.
Pages: 41-48
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