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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №7 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
No-Reference Quality Assessment of Wavelet-Compressed Images
D.A. Zaramensky, A.L. Priorov, V.V. Khryashchev
In this paper a no-reference JPEG2000 images quality assessment method is introduced. Compression standard JPEG2000 is based on applying the discrete wavelet transform to an original image, which causes distortions like "ringing" and "blurring" to be in a compressed image. Our research showed that changes in image statistical model, due to wavelet coefficients quantization, are well correlated with general quality loss in a compressed image. No-reference quality index (NIK2000) is calculated as weighted mean of a vector, where each component stands for predicted image quality for one of 6 subbands of wavelet transformation. During visual experiment suboptimal parameters for NIK2000 where calculated. Parameters selection was based on correlation of introduced estimation with mean opinion score (MOS). Comparison analysis of NIK2000 algorithm and two well known quality assessment methods: Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Universal Image Quality Index (UIQ), was done. NIK2000, being a no-reference criterion, showed the same correlation with subjective estimations as wide-spread full-reference criteria. Testing images quality assessment with mentioned algorithms examples are provided.
Pages: 28-34
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