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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №5 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Two Strategies for the Determination of Soil Permittivity by GPR Data
F. Soldovieri, R. Persico, M.M. Golovko, G.P. Pochanin
Possible strategies to determine a ground permittivity by means of results of subsurface sounding with a GPR are considered in this paper. Main attention is paid to two distinctive in kind strategies. The first strategy is based on the microwave tomographic approach for the inverse scattering problem and the second strategy is based on the Hough transform for image processing. The Hough transform is an effective means for image processing and search for certain elements. Based on the Hough transform strategy is used for the specific problem of permittivity determination.
Both of the strategies exploit GPR measurements gathered at air/soil interface over a buried pipe. Both of the strategies are free from subjective estimate of calculated results by a GPR operator. This is a reason why the strategies in principle provide the permittivity very close to real value.
The generalized case of the microwave tomographic approach when the conductivity is known non accurate was considered in the paper. It was shown that the maximum modulus of the contrast function criterion fails and that the averaged support of the retrieved contrast criterion does not provide reliable permittivity determination. However a combination of these criteria allows getting an accurate permittivity value under quite good initial approximation.
A fast iterative high-speed and accurate method has been developed for the based on the Hough transform strategy. It is meant for the automatic determination of the hyperbolic response location from a subsurface local object and for the automatic determination of the geometric parameters of the hyperbola containing the information about a ground permittivity.
The paper contains a qualitative comparison and an analysis of advantages and disadvantages for the considered strategies. An influence of the strategies peculiarities on efficiency of their application in different practical tasks is discussed
Pages: 60
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