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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №11 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Estimation Thermal Visibility of Objects on the Basis Measurement Thermal Properties
Yu.Yu. Gromoff, I.N. Ishchuk, B.S. Lobanov
Test thermal visibility of objects by thermal contrast is the basic method of an estimation of their visibility in the IK-range of lengths of waves since under the fixed conditions of measurements power the exit in parameter of IK-watch facilities acts a thermal game-trust which defines visibility of object. However thermal contrast reflects a consequence of thermal process and depends not so much on properties of objects, how many from changeable external conditions. On this basis it is necessary to use thermal properties of objects as sizes; it is essential external conditions less subject to influence. In work it is shown that as a result of the decision coefficient a return problem of heat conductivity in each point of the IK-image of a ground transformation thermogram in thermal tomograms is made. Results of natural experiment are resulted according to thermal visibility of object being in a ground. Results of comparison of efficiency of an offered method of transformation thermogram in thermal tomograms, a method of the analysis of the main things a component and a method of thermal contrasts are shown. The way of an estimation of properties of means of thermal masking, on-pravlennyj on decrease thermal visibility of subsurface objects is shown.
Pages: 56-60
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