350 rub
Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №11 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
The Automated Choice of an Element of Radio Engineering System
V.A. Nemtinov, S.J. Egorov, V.G. Mokrozub
The given approach is based on fuzzy-set theory and expert system methods. It allows choosing an option of an element of a radio engineering system in an interactive mode. The element selection is based upon known consumer indexes and their estimates, carried on by various groups of experts.
Due to variety of types of identical elements of an industrial engineering system, that are characterized by same parameters, the need to select an element that would satisfy variety of a specific consumer requirements arises. At the same time, information about the consumer indexes is often qualitative, which is a result of different types of experts - valuations: engineers, producers, repair and maintenance personnel etc. In order to avoid the fuzziness a dephasification method is applied - a method of a centre - maximum.
On the first stage of the selection of an element by given engineering parameters, a subset of available options is formed. At next stage, a type which would satisfy the subset of the requirements chosen by the consumer is selected. It also allows solving multi-objective optimization problem. A criterion of an optimality is a sum of a weighted related criterion losses: the element - cost and some subset of consumer indexes, defined by a responsible party.
Pages: 42-46
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