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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №10 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Frequency domain signal processing for parametrical point scatterers target identification
M. A. Konovalyuk, Yu. V. Kuznetsov, A. B. Baev
The coherent ultra short pulse radar provides high resolution image of the target. A model of this image is composed in the superposition form by complex envelope of signals retuned from point scatterers. In accordance with their positions and reflection coefficients the values of complex envelope are distributed over radar image coordinate plane. Radar image model is based on the known radar pulse envelope and a pattern of the antenna. The parameters of the target point scatterers are processed in the frequency domain using one dimensional data extracted from the complex discrete Fourier transform of the radar image. The matrix pencil algorithm is used for the parametrical target identification. The simulation results of the identification procedure for three point scatterers model are presented in the article.
Pages: 67-70
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