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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №11 for 2008 г.
Article in number:
Algorithm of Functioning of System of Automatic Tracking the Maneuvering Air Target on the Basis of Models with Is Frequency by the Divided Characteristic
Danilov S.N., Danilov E.S.
To solve a task of precision support over the maneuverable flying device including in conditions of handicapes it is possible by application watching device of measurement, in which can change both structure, and parameters of watching filters.
Primary device of measurement should guarantee formation of estimations of all necessary phase coordinates of a vector of a condition. It is known, that in any group of the functionally connected estimated coordinates their should be observed as a minimum zero derivative.
For realization of the concept of shooting with small time of an aiming, when the rocket should be started up practically at once after capture of the target radar tracking, it is required essentially to reduce time of improvement of a mistake of capture. It results in necessity of application of model of a condition for the filter, which quickly fulfils an initial mismatch.
The not taken into account making movements of the target, usually look like wave of process. A spectrum signal of wavy structure, as show estimations has a kind concentrated on an axis of frequencies in some area.
To supply the complete coordination of a passband of filters and spectra of traced parameters for all kinds the set from filters is offered, to add by the filter on the basis of model of narrow-band casual process having a passband similar with spectrum signal of wavy structure, similar.
According to a method of synthesis of systems with casual structure, the algorithm of functioning complex system is received.
The resulting estimation is defined on the basis of the weighed sum. The operating time of used models was appreciated. The research of the characteristics of accuracy was carried out by modeling for various stages movements.
The algorithm received on the basis of frequency of division of the characteristics by methods of the theory of systems with casual structure at use system in complex conditions of support of the maneuvering target, surpasses in accuracy usual algorithms. The increase of accuracy measurements is caused by presence of models with the various characteristics which are taking into account various types of change of estimated parameter. As a whole, the results of statistical modeling demonstrate efficiency of offered algorithm.