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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №11 for 2008 г.
Article in number:
The Model Mining of a Manoeuvrable Air Target Linear Speed Change for the Solution of a Fighter Homing Problem in a Silence Mode of Onboard Radar
Shatovkin R.R.
There is a capability of manoeuvrable air target linear speed definition in a silence mode of an onboard radar under the information on parameters of target rotary motion going from an optoelectronic system. The implementation of secondary processing of the obtained not radar linear speed measurements results in necessity of conforming algorithm synthesis, and, therefore, model building of manoeuvrable flight vehicle linear speed change.
For synthesis of statistical model of manoeuvrable flight vehicle linear speed change at first speed correlation function was determined experimentally. Thus the alteration of speed in time was described by stochastic process. Then the analytical relation most precisely depicting experimentally obtained outcomes was constructed.
The obtained mathematical expression for an idealized correlation function of manoeuvrable flight vehicle linear speed has allowed to synthesize statistical model of this speed change depicted by a white noise.
The designed model was tested on applicability at homing a fighter on the target in a silence mode of an onboard radar for a case of a Kalman filter usage as secondary data processing algorithm.
The obtained results have confirmed operational effectiveness of the synthesized model for usage it in secondary processing algorithm of manoeuvrable air target linear speed measurements of optoelectronic system.