350 rub

Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №11 for 2008 г.
Article in number:
Complex Inter-Airplane Navigation Systems on the Bases of Satellite Radionavigation System
Ivanov A.V.
For deciding a problem of an inter-airplane navigation a complex inter-airplane navigation system is offered, comprising of an equipment receiving signals from satellite radionavigation systems, data transmission radio system, inertial navigation system and air data signal system. Complex suboptimal data processing algorithms are synthesized by methods of Markov theory for optimal random process and fields estimation. At the syntheses of algorithms for reducing the errors connected with an inaccuracy of mathematical models task the principle of sharing information was used in accordance with which the output signals of the inertial navigation system and air data signal system were referred to the management vector. Data processing in obtained suboptimal algorithms is produced in two stages: on the first stage on the primary level processing of the radio signals observation of satellite radionavigation system is realized; on the second stage on the secondary level is realized processing of signals from data transmission radio system. Structured scheme of complex inter-airplane navigation systems is offered. Calculation of accuracy and antijamming characteristics of the synthesized suboptimal algorithms are made. Dependencies from a time of relative a posteriori dispersions of estimation mistakes of the coordinates of leader plane as well as from distances, interval and elevation between leading and driven plane are given. Influence of a signal-to-noise ratio at the receiving channels input of the satellite radionavigation systems SRNS on the formed values of relative a posteriori dispersions of estimation mistakes is considered.