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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №11 for 2008 г.
Article in number:
Calculation Method Parameter «Conflict» Protocol Radiosetey with Multistation Accsess
Haldin E.V., Lyovochkin YU.I., Afanasiev A.S.
At present one of the actual directions is a studies on making the systems radio communication, built in a milieau of multistation access (MSD) corresponder in the general channel and possessing high reception capacity and noise-immunity.
Such system in article, as example to realization of the offered method of the estimation parameter protocol, is chose multifunctional integrated communications network, navigations and recognitions (MIS NETWORK).
In step of using communications network with MSD, including in MIS NETWORK, appears the problem of the efficient use given system a resource. One of the decisions of this problem is a development new and improvement existing in communications network protocol exchange by information.
In article for systems radio communication with MSD are brought main types protocol. For MIS NETWORK use that or other type of the protocol is defined basically by way of the access of the corresponder in radio link. The main ways of the access of the corresponder ? «conflict» and «without conflict».
The most complex situation in radio set with MSD appears under hostless distribution resource systems and greater information load. In such condition (in condition of the anisochronous work to network) can be used «conflict» protocols.
In article for event of the anisochronous work to network is designed method of the estimation parameter «conflict» protocol and is worked out recommendations on use protocol in MIS NETWORK.
In base of the method prescribed probabilistic model information exchange, which possible present in the manner of discrete process of the Markov at unceasing time. Using given type to probabilistic model is founded on physical admissions that that amount of the demands, enterring on node and served on node of the demands , possible consider as process of the duplication and ruins, but difference between they give the average a number demands , residing on node. Device of the processing package messages is understood Under node.
For offered probabilistic model are received expressions for intensity of the arrival and servicing the applications for node , as well as population mean , dispersions and correlation functions discrete process of the Markov .
As main parameter protocol communications network with MSD emerges the average a number applications for node and time of the delay of the application for node , bound between itself equation Littla: . Optimum are considered protocols, which will other things being equal provide least importances a parameter and .
For increasing of validity to sent information when use «conflict» protocol in MIS NETWORK in article is offered use the tree-type algorithm of the permit conflict, which essence is reduced to the retransmission, come into conflict package in fixed temporary interval .