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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №11 for 2008 г.
Article in number:
Processing Of The Motionless Images by Filters, Synthesized on the Basis of S-Matrix
Bogoslovskiy A.V., Yudakov D.S., Bogoslovskiy E.A., Zhigulina I.V., Zaguzova N.D., Paholchak Z.D.
The known now algorithms of preliminary processing or use beforehand fixed readout of the pulse characteristics, for example Sobel, Prewitt, Laplacian etc., or the knowledge of background, noise and selected objects power spectra (Viner-s filter) required. It limits their application generally.
It is desirable to be able to synthesize twodimensional filters, which would be adapted to the image processing and would allow to carry out processing with required efficiency.
Such opportunity can be given by using of a matrix of an entrance signal or S-matrix, which elements are the factors of decomposition of a power spectrum of the entrance image in twodimensional Fourier line on cosines. They suppose a convenient way of measurement, and define together with readout of their filter efficiency of processing.
In article the practical application of a technique synthesis of the pulse characteristics discrete filters on a basis S-matrix for the decision of a task allocation objects is considered at absence apriory information on the characteristics of background. Is shown, that the synthesis of filters having the smaller aperture, but greater efficiency of processing is possible, than known. The results of real images processing by the synthesized filters with the different aperture are submitted.