350 rub
Journal №1 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Optimization of cladding layers doping profile in algaas/ingaas/algaas sch lasers
Y.P. Golovatiy, A.P. Ivahnenko, M.A. Ladugin, S.S. Strelchenko
The increasing of efficiency of power infrared SCH laser diodes is actual and very impotent problem for quantum electronics. Analysis had shown that cladding layers make significant contribution to irreversible laser losses. There are two major losses mechanisms - current loses due to joule heating of serial resistance and optical losses due to photon absorption by free carriers. Both mechanisms are dependent on carrier concentrations in cladding layers but in opposite manner. We have found the optimal doping profile of cladding layers on the base of electromagnetic model of laser. The laser efficiency has been expressed as a functional of doping profile and the extremum of this functional had been found by Ritz method. The extremal profile had proved to be exponentially increasing from waveguide boundary into cladding layer. Besides p-cladding layer doping level turned out twice as much n-cladding layer doping level. This is because less hole mobility comparing to electron mobility. The dependence of efficiency on laser pump current was calculated on the base of optimal profiles. It turned out nonmonotonic so there are optimal operating current for given laser diode.
Pages: 55-60
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