350 rub
Journal №1 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
The Economical Mechanism of Development of the Danger Factories
A.A. Akulov, V.P. Gatsenko, T.A. Kuznetsova, V. V. Chelenko
The underinvestment in the safeguard the environment is one of the problems of deterioration the safety in the region and country. The aim of job is definition of dependence between the health of people and economical politic on the danger businesses in Kaluga. As a result of study establish that dependence between the illnesses of people and investments in the safeguard the environment on the danger factories, and also between the illnesses of people and collections on the danger factories in the town. Then more collections on factories as more the illnesses of people, and more investments in the safeguard the environment as litter the illnesses of people in Kaluga. The investments in the safeguard the environment are cost efficient for businesses and have the social results in the region.
Pages: 64-72
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