350 rub
Journal №1 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Quantum Absolute Detector of the Electromagnetic Radiation of an Infra-Red Range
B.I. Golub, K.E. Rusanov
Article is devoted an actual problem of working out of the reference broadband detector, allowing to register electromagnetic radiation in a spectral range 1... 50 microns. It is especially important, as thermal radiation takes in the lead positions as a source of the quantitative information in various means of information-measuring technics, including nanotechnics. Two possible approaches (radiating and detector) to reproduction of radiometric units which are in a basis of system of maintenance of unity of measurements are considered. At any of two approaches to creation of system of maintenance of unity of measurements high-precision optiko-electronic converters on which basis reference measuring installations are under construction are necessary. In article the physical approach to measurement of optical radiation by means of hightemperature superconductive detectors of radiant energy on abnormal effect of change of the noise characteristic in a superconductivity zone is proved. Accuracy and sensitivity of such kind of the detector are limited only to accuracy of installation of reference radiation and own fluctuations of a measured stream of electromagnetic radiation.
Pages: 52-58
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