350 rub

Journal №6 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Influence of the derivatives citraconic acid on the hemostasis
amides and hydrazides of the citraconic acid
direct anticoagulant and haemostatic activity
B.Ya. Syropâtov - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Professor, Chair Department of Physiology of the Basics of Anatomy, Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy. E-mail: syropyatov@mail.ru
N.V. Kolotova - Ph.D. (Chem.), Associate Professor, Department of Analytical Chemistry, Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy. E-mail: kolotova-nina@rambler.ru
Influence of succinic, maleic and phthalic acids derivatives on hemostasis have been already characterized in some literature. But there are no reports on influence of citraconic acid derivatives on hemostasis.
Influence of 7 substituted amides and 3 citraconic acid acylhydrazides was analyzed with a help of «Minilab 701». The citrated (3.8 %) blood (9:1) was used. During the screening influence of these substances in concentration 1 mg/ml of blood on blood coagulation was analyzed. 8 animals were used in each set of tests. The solution of heparin in concentration 1 EU/ml of blood was used as an anticoagulative activity standard. The solution of etamsylate in concentration 1 mg/ml of blood was used as a haemostatic activity standard. The degree of anticoagulative and haemostasis activity of analyzed substances was figured out during measuring the time of citrated blood coagulation in check test-tube and experiment. The results were statistically worked up using STDEV. The analyzed substances have only haemostatic activity. Citraconic acid n-acetyl-phenyl amide showed the haemostatic activity that was 2 times greater than haemostatic activity of etamsylate. Carboxypentyl amide, antipyryl amide, triazolyl amide and citraconic acid iso-nicotinoyl hydrazide showed the haemostatic activity that was 1.4 times greater than haemostatic activity of ethanol. Citraconic acid 3-pyryl amide acts like etamsylate. Some mechanisms of structure influence of substances on haemostasis were figured out.
Pages: 54-56
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