350 rub
Journal №5 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Development and validation of methods of quantitative determination hydroxycinnamic acid-s amount in the plant of the Thymus l. Genus
V.N. Bubenchikova - Dr.Sc.(Pharm.), Professor, Head of the Pharmacognosy and Botany Department, Kursk State Medical University. E-mail:fg.ksmu@mail.ru Yu.A. Starchak - Ph.D.(Pharm.), Associate Professor, The General and Pharmaceutical Chemistry Department, Medical Institute, Orel State University
The article presents the results on the development of quantitative methods of determining the amount of hydroxycinnamic acids in the herb of the Thymus L. genus of the Lamiaceae family in terms of rosmarinic acid. The optimum extraction conditions have been identified: fineness of raw material - 2 mm, the extractant - ethyl alcohol 50%, extraction before entering the equilibrium, extraction time - 75 minutes. Validation of the developed method has been conducted in terms of linearity, repeatability, reproducibility, accuracy. Total content of hydroxycinnamic acids in the plant Thymus L. genus ranges from 2.62% (Thymus dimorphus Klok.) to 10.83% (Thymus pulegioides L.).
Pages: 14-18


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