350 rub
Journal №5 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
The development and establishment of military herbal medicine and its practical use in the great patriotic war
herbal medicine
the Great Patriotic war
the practical application
medicinal plants
herbal drugs
E.V. Korsun - Dr. Sc. (Med.), Institute of Oriental medicine, Russian peoples friendship University, Mosсow
V.F. Korsun - Dr. Sc. (Med.), Professor, Acad. the Academy of natural Sciences, Institute of Oriental medicine, Russian peoples friendship University, Moskow Е-mail:korsun_vf@mail.ru
M.A. Malyshko - doctor clinic, Minsk, Belarus
K.А. Treskunov - Acad. the Academy of natural Sciences, doctor phytotherapist-consultant medical centre, Moscow
For centuries in the period of various wars, the role of medicinal plants and preparations for the treatment of the wounded and sick increases significantly. Great commanders A.V. Suvorov and M.I. Kutuzov and others were actively implemented elements of phytotherapy in the prevention of acute and chronic diseases. Especially the increased role of herbal medicine in the period of the great Patriotic war. During the war, began a deep, detailed study of medicinal plants of the Urals, Siberia, Far East. Thanks to the efforts of doctors, chemists headed N.V. Vershinin, D.D. Yablokov and V.V. Reverdatto have been studied and introduced in the medical use of herbs such as motherwort, Baikal skullcap, Valerian, Erysimum, thoroughwax, etc. They opened more than 50 species of plants, such as the Rhaponticum carthamoides, sirenia peppers, panceria woolly, Scutellaria, thoroughwax Golden, Burnet drug, bergenia crassifolia, rank grassland and other valuable species. Was widely used and the experience of folk medicine.
The article presents an overview on the use of plant origin in the treatment of various diseases in the period of severe hostilities. Many of the knowledge gained during the war years, are still applied in practice, and has not lost its practical orientation.
Pages: 3-7
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