350 rub
Journal №4 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Effect of ethanol on protein-protein interactions
F.N. Gylmiyarova - Dr.Sc.(Med.), Professor, Honored Scientist of Russia, Samara State Medical University (Russia). E-mail: bio-sam@yandex.ru V.M. Radomskaya - Dr.Sc.(Med.), Professor, Samara State Medical University (Russia). E-mail: bio-sam@yandex.ru E.A. Ryskina - Ph.D. (Biol), Associate Professor, Peoples - Friendship University of Russia (Moscow). E-mail: dar31@mail.ru N.S. Nefedova - Ph.D.(Med.), Assistant, Samara State Medical University (Russia). E-mail: bio-sam@yandex.ru G.M. Baisheva - Dr.Sc.(Med.), Professor, Samara State Medical University (Russia). E-mail: bio-sam@yandex.ru Yu.Y. Pervova - Dr.Sc.(Med.), Associate Professor, Samara Medical Institute «Reaviz» (Russia). E-mail: sno1911@mail.ru
Features metabolism, cellular composition of blood, hematologic and hemostatic parameters are signs of a biological individuality of organism which are associated with blood group ABO system. Intermolecular protein-protein interactions play a key role in a transport receptor and immunological processes. A microenvironment and presence of low molecular weight compounds with characteristic physico-chemical properties and charges play an important role in these interactions. We have studied the nature of the response glycoprotein A and B on the effect of ethanol in different ABO - blood group. The content of endogenous ethanol is associated in men and women with a 0 (I) -AV (IV). This fact is a base for estimation of the regulatory role of the ethanol in the processes of the recognition and the intermolecular interaction of antigen A and B antibodies. Ethanol facilitates to a more complete agglutination and shortening the time of the recognition of antigen В anti-B monoclonal antibody, reduces the time for agglutination monoclonal anti A and anti B antibodies in vitro which is visualized by confocal laser scanning microscopy. The affinity of anti-A antibody to the antigen is increased under the ethanol action. An opposite effect is found for anti-B antibodies; ethanol has no effect to antigen-antibody interaction in the individuals with AB (IV) blood. The data indicate ethanol participates in the intermolecular recognition processes causing specific effects which are defined by the blood group ABO system.
Pages: 20-25


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