350 rub
Journal №1 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Adaptable opportunities and immune status of internal troops servicemen suffering from chronic dermatoses
A.V. Apchel - Ph.D. (Med.), the 3rd Military Hospital of Internal Troops, Ministry of Internal Affairs of RF (Saint-Petersburg). E-mail: apchelandrey@mail.ru
We have presented the results of assessment of the adaptable opportunities and immune status of internal troops servicemen suffering from chronic dermatoses. It has been established that above diseases has expressed psychosomatic nature. Thus, the immune profile of combatants and non-combatants as compared with the control group (healthy soldiers) was characterized by a statistically significant (p < 0,05) lymphocytopenia (1,78±0,36; 1,82±0,42 and 2,96±0,44 ×109/l, respectively); increasing CD4+-lymphocytes (1,18±0,04; 1,16±0,03 and 1,01±0,02 ×109/l, respectively), reduced CD8+-lymphocytes (0,37±0,02; 0,33±0,04 and 0,62±0,05 ×109/l, respectively) and the level of phagocytic index (36,3±2,2; 36,8±2,5 and 60,2±4,4%, respectively). We have not detected statistically significant differences in changes of CD3+, CD3+CD16+CD56+, CD19+, CD3+CD25+-lymphocytes as well as interferon-γ, interleukin-1β, interleukin-4 and interleukin-6. However, The upward trend was more pronounced in combatants and non-combatants, as compared with the control group. It is shown that non-combatants, as well as the control group compared with the military-combatants were characterized by significantly (p<0,05) higher levels of nervous and mental stability. of (6,2±0,5; 8,3±0,5 and 8,7±0,6 points respectively) and personal adaptive capacity (5,8±0,3; 7,2±0,9 and 7,3±0,4 points respectively). The level of communicative potential as in the 1st and the 2nd group was significantly lower than in the control group (6,2±0,4; 6,1±0,8 and 8,9±0,5 points respectively). All this data prove violation of the regulation of the immune response and changes in personality characteristics in military personnel suffering with psoriasis vulgaris exposed to vital stress.
Pages: 48-52

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