350 rub
Journal №1 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Studying of biological activity of a grass of Teucrium polium L
Ju.G. Rudakova - Post-graduate Student, Department of Pharmacognosy, Piatigorsk Medical-Pharmaceutical Institute - Branch of the SBEE HPE VolgSMU. E-mail: Rudakovaya@mail.ru
E.O. Sergeyeva - Ph.D. (Pharm.), Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology, Pyatigorsk Medico-Pharmaceutical Institute - Branch of the VolgSMU. E-mail: maklea@yandex.ru
L.A. Sadzhaya - Ph.D. (Pharm.), Senior Teacher, Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology, Pyatigorsk Medico-Pharmaceutical Institute - Branch of the VolgSMU
A.A. Cabins - Post-graduate Student, Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology, Pyatigorsk Medico-Pharmaceutical Institute - Branch of the VolgSMU. E-mail: kobin@inbox.ru
O.I. Popova - Dr.Sc. (Pharm.), Professor, Department of Pharmacognosy, Piatigorsk Medical-Pharmaceutical Institute - Branch of the SBEE HPE VolgSMU. E-mail: beegeeslover@mail.ru
Teucrium polium L. - perennial grassy plant of family Lamiaceae. The plant has a wide area of growth in the Caucasus, is long since applied in traditional medicine as antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, spazmolitichesky and zhelchegonny means that testifies to relevance of the chosen object and the research direction. It should be noted that the chemical composition of a grass of Teucrium polium is rather various. In a plant phenolic connections (flavonoids and fenolkarbonovy acids), tannins, benzopyrones, di - and triterpenoids are found. Insignificant quantities contain essential oil, iridoids, steroids and vitamin C. For determination of acute toxicity and diuretichesky activity prepared water and spirit extraction (extragent 70 % alcohol ethyl), which leave to reduce under vacuum. Thus, the substances which are directly used in experimental work were received. Before introduction of water and spirit substance by an animal them dissolved in water, received respectively fraction I and fraction II. Acute toxicity was studied on 36 white mice males weighing 25-30 g. The received results of determination of acute toxicity of fractions of Teucrium polium allow to carry it on Hodge and Sterner classification to the 4th class of toxicity (fraction II) ? low-toxic substances; to the 5th class of toxicity (fraction I) ? almost nontoxical substances. Studying of diuretichesky activity of fractions from a grass of Teucrium polium was carried out on healthy animals, - 64 white rats - males of the Wistar line weighing 220-240 g. Pilot studies on animals by determination of diuretichesky activity of fractions from a grass of Teucrium polium in a dose of 500 mg/kg showed that they render the diuretic effect which isn't conceding to diuretichesky effect of broth Orthosiphon stamineus.
Pages: 9-13

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