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Journal №9 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Comparative evaluation of pharmacodynamics properties of humic substances isolated from sapropel by various methods using The comet assay
I.A. Savchenko - Senior Lecturer, Omsk State Medical Academy
I.N. Korneeva - Ph.D. (Chem.), Associate Professor, Omsk State Medical Academy
S.V. Skalsky - Ph.D. (Med.), Omsk State Medical Academy
E.A. Luksha - Ph.D. (Med.), Omsk State Medical Academy
D.S. Goncharov - Teaching Assistant, Omsk State Medical Academy
D.V. Roskoshnaya - Teaching Assistant, Omsk State Medical Academy
T.A. Kosheleva - Teaching Assistant, Omsk State Medical Academy
G.N. Velichko - Junior Researcher Scientist, Omsk State Medical Academy
I.N. Korneeva - Ph.D. (Chem.), Associate Professor, Omsk State Medical Academy
S.V. Skalsky - Ph.D. (Med.), Omsk State Medical Academy
E.A. Luksha - Ph.D. (Med.), Omsk State Medical Academy
D.S. Goncharov - Teaching Assistant, Omsk State Medical Academy
D.V. Roskoshnaya - Teaching Assistant, Omsk State Medical Academy
T.A. Kosheleva - Teaching Assistant, Omsk State Medical Academy
G.N. Velichko - Junior Researcher Scientist, Omsk State Medical Academy
Sapropel is a valuable raw material of natural origin. Basis of its organic matter constitute humic compounds - multifunctional macromolecular compounds with diverse pharmacological properties. Humic substances there are promising objects for drug development based on them. Features of sapropel formation could lead to accumulation of toxicants with mutagenic effect. This should be considered when conducting toxicological studies at the preclinical stage.
Preliminary studies have shown the absence of acute and chronic toxicity of humic substances. For further safety studies could usefully assess the extent of genotoxicity of biologically active components sapropel using expressways and integral methods.
In this paper, the genotoxicity of humic substances (HS) isolated from lake's sapropelGorchakovo Omsk region and of humic substances (AHS) activated by UV light was assessed by using DNA comet assay. Objects of genotoxicity were studied to compared with cytotoxic drug - cyclophosphamide in experimental animals. Test substances were administered intraperitoneally and intragastrically to rats at doses of 100 and 500 mg / kg as an aqueous solution of the sodium salt over 12 days. At the end of the experiment, the animals were bled and the level of damage nucleated cells were determined by DNA comet assay using «TailDNA%» (the proportion of DNA in the «tail» of comets).
It has been shown that solutions of HS compared to AHS at all doses exhibit a much stronger degree of genotoxic activity. These differences can be explained by process of preparation of the compounds studied and by changes in their structure, composition and properties. Also installed a dose-dependent effect of genotoxicity of HS in both routes of administration.
Studies have revealed that varying degree of HS and AHS genotoxicity was obtained against the background of absence the general toxic properties that need to be considered in further studies of specific pharmacological activity.
Pages: 9-13
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