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Journal №8 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Low molecular weight heparins for the prevention and therapy thrombotic complication in oncological patients
oncological patients
thrombotic complications
low molecular weight heparins
Zibor (bemiparin)
O.V. Somonova - Dr.Sc.(Med.), Russian Cancer Research Center of N.N. Blokhin Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow, Russia
A.V. Madzhuga - Ph.D. (Med.), Russian Cancer Research Center of N.N. Blokhin Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow, Russia
A.L. Elizarova - Ph.D. (Biol.), Russian Cancer Research Center of N.N. Blokhin Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow, Russia
I.I. Matveeva - Dr.Sc.(Med.), Russian Cancer Research Center of N.N. Blokhin Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow, Russia
A.V. Madzhuga - Ph.D. (Med.), Russian Cancer Research Center of N.N. Blokhin Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow, Russia
A.L. Elizarova - Ph.D. (Biol.), Russian Cancer Research Center of N.N. Blokhin Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow, Russia
I.I. Matveeva - Dr.Sc.(Med.), Russian Cancer Research Center of N.N. Blokhin Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Patients with malignant disease often develop thromboembolic complications, and the incidence of thrombosis complicates anti-cancer therapy and affects survival rates. Low molecular weight heparins are the basis of specific prevention of thromboembolic complications in oncological patients. Zibor (bemiparin) is a second generation low molecular weight heparin, which has the lowest molecular weight (3600 Da), the longest half-life, increased up to 5.3 h and the highest anti-factor Xa-activity (8:1). The clinical studies demonstrated that bemiparin has high effectiveness in the prevention and treatment of thromboembolic complications.
Pages: 59-64
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