350 rub
Journal №7 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
The HPLC analysis of salivary cysteine, homocysteine and glutathione
A.A. Dutov - Dr.Sc. (Med.) Senior Research, Laboratory of Experimental and Clinical Biochemistry and Immunology, Research Institute of Molecular Medicine, Chita State Medical Academy. E-mail: dutovaa@yandex.ru
D.A. Nikitin - Head of the Laboratory of Chemical Analysis, Zabaikalsky State University, Chita. E-mail: nikitinnd@gmail.com
E.V. Fefelova - Ph.D. (Med.), State of Medical Academy. E-mail: pochta@chitgma.ru
M.N. Mishchenko - Ph.D., Physician, State of Medical Academy. E-mail: pochta@chitgma.ru
A.N. Semenova - physician, State of Medical Academy. E-mail: pochta@chitgma.ru
A.V. Sverkunova - Post-graduate Student, Department of Chemistry, Zabaikalsky State University, Chita
A.V. Martynova - Post-graduate Student, Department of Chemistry, Zabaikalsky State University, Chita
O.N. Konovalova - Post-graduate Student, Department of Chemistry, Zabaikalsky State University, Chita A.V. Yermolina - Physician Ophthalmologist, Regional Hospital № 2, Chita
Y.L. Lukyanova - Physician Ordinator, Department of Neurology, State Medical Academy, Chita
An HPLC method for measuring cysteine, homocysteine and glutathione in saliva was validated. Reduction from disulfides was achieved with 1,4-dithioerythritol. Aminothiols derivatization was made with 5,5'-dithio-bis-(2-nitrobenzoic acid). The derivatives were cleaned on a cartridges, packed hyper cross-linked polystyrene (Purosep-200) and separated with reversed phase (C18) HPLC and UV detection at 330 nm. Simplicity and reproducibility of a method, allow its use in a clinical practice for an estimation of biochemical changes at stomatologic diseases and also for non-invasive diagnostic hyperhomocysteinemia.
Pages: 29-32

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