350 rub
Journal №5 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Prospect for further development of medicines based on herbal raw material with thyrotropic action
E.A. Nazarova - Post-graduate Student, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (VILAR), Moscow
Yu.M. Tertichnaya - Ph.D. (Pharm.), Leading Research Scientist, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (VILAR), Moscow. E-mail: tertichnaya@bk.ru ian Scientific Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (VILAR), Moscow
A.A. Savina - Ph.D. (Chem.), Leading Research Scientist, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (VILAR), Moscow
Great prevalence of thyroid gland diseases puts them in one range with such serious chronic diseases as a diabetes mellitus and diseases of cardiovascular system. Today about 1,5 billion people have diseases of thyroid gland according to official data of World Health Organization. Despite achievements of medicine in treatment of endocrine diseases, number of patients is only enlarged from year to year. Any disease associate with thyroid gland interrupts activity not only the organ, but also other endocrine glands as they are inseparably linked with each other. Moreover, activity of whole body is changed that interrupts also habitual life of the patient. The most frequent complications of thyroid pathology are diseases of cardiovascular and nervous systems, and also changes of thyroid gland structure, conducting to formation of various forms of a struma. Proceeding from the analysis of the foreign and Russian sources, the plants having a wide range of pharmacological action at treatment and prophylaxis of thyroid gland diseases such as Lycopus europaeus L., Melissa officinalis L., Lithospermum officinale L., Fucus vesiculosus L., Potentilla alba L., Xanthium strumarium L. are greatest interest. A series of experimental studies in which studied influence of extraction from Lycopus europaeus L. on thyroid gland and tissue metabolism of iodine. As a result of these researches it was established that components of Lycopus europaeus L. block a deiodinase of peripheral tissues, thereby framing intercurrence to transformation of T4 into the T3, being the main thyroid effector. Experimental studies of thyrotropic activity of Melissa officinalis L. conducted in vitro, showed ability of biologically active substances to inhibit communication of TSH with follicles of a thyroid gland. Suppression of hyperfunction of a thyroid gland was observed at application of Lithospermum officinale L. that, most likely, is attributed to inhibition of peripheral deiodination of thyroid hormones. Fucus vesiculosus L. contains a significant amount of iodine and is used for regulation of a thyroid gland functions, in the conditions of a hypothyroidism and a hyperthyroidism. Preparations of Potentillaalba L. possess potent influence on a thyroid gland, regulating its function, eliminating diffuse changes, resolving nodosity taking out the numerous toxic occurrence in an organism. Xanthium strumarium L. represents greatest interest, its fruits contain sesquiterpene lactones xanthatine, xanthinosine, etc., possessing anticancerogenic action. Phenolic components show antiinflammatory, analgesic and antiallergic action. Herbs are a perspective and safe source of biologically active substances possessing thyrotropic effect.
Pages: 56-58

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