350 rub
Journal №4 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
The HPLC analysis of urinary aminolevulinic acid after chemical derivatization and purification derivatives on hypercross-linked polystyrene (Purosep-200)
A.A. Dutov - Dr.Sc. (Med.) Senior Research, Laboratory of Experimental and Clinical Biochemistry and Immunology, Research Institute of Molecular Medicine, Chita State Medical Academy. E-mail: dutovaa@yandex.ru
D.A. Nikitin - Head of the Laboratory of Chemical Analysis, Zabaikalsky State University, Chita. E-mail: nikitinnd@gmail.com
A.V. Sverkunova - Post-graduate Student, Department of Chemistry, Zabaikalsky State University, Chita
A.V. Martynova - Post-graduate Student, Department of Chemistry, Zabaikalsky State University, Chita
O.N. Konovalova - Post-graduate Student, Department of Chemistry, Zabaikalsky State University, Chita
A.V. Yermolina - Physician Ophthalmologist, Regional Hospital № 2, Chita
Y.L. Lukyanova - Physician Ordinator, Department of Neurology, State Medical Academy, Chita
We proposed HPLC method of analysis urinary aminolevulinic acids on the basis of updating method [1]. To aliquot daily urine, which the stabilized acetic acid, added acetylacetone and formaldehyde. Heated up during 10 min at 100ºС and after cooling to a room temperature, cleared on a cartridge packed 30 mg hypercross-linked polystyrene (Purosep-200). Derivatives separation on a monolithic column Chromolith Performance RP-18e 100×4.6 mm and fluorimetric detection at ex370-em460 nm. Mobile phase consisted of 30 % acetonitrile and 0.025 % trifluoroacetic acid. Flow rate was 1.4 ml/min. Fast clearing of derivatives on cartridges without evaporation, has allowed to receive pure extracts. Full separation was reached less than for 2 minutes. Simplicity and sufficient sensitivity of a method, allow to use it in a clinical practice for diagnostics porphyries. Tomokuni et all. [1].
Pages: 25-29

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