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Journal №3 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Genus ledum (Ledum L.): botanical characteristics, chemical composition, application in medicine
M.M. Ganina - Post-graduate Student, Department of Pharmacognosy, Pyatigorsk Medical-Pharmaceutical Institute - Branch of SBEIHPE VolgGMY; Head of Test Laboratory «Hospital pharmacy Yamal», Salekhard. E-mail: ganinam@inbox.ru
O.I. Popova - Dr.Sc. (Pharm), Professor, Department of Pharmacognosy, Pyatigorsk Medical-Pharmaceutical Institute - Branch of SBEIHPE VolgGMY Russia
The study of plants of the genus Ledum L., including growing in tundra, on the territory of the Far North, may be of interest to the expansion of the domestic raw material base of the medicinal vegetable raw materials with the purpose of development of new drugs. On the territory of Russia grows 4 types of Labrador tea: Lédum palústre. L.; Ledum decumbens Lodd. ex Steud.; Lédum macrophýllum Tolm.; Ledum hypoleucum Kom. the family of Ericaceae (Егісасеае). In world flora the Labrador tea Greenland is known also (Ledum groenlandicum Oeder). Ledum - evergreen shrubs height of 20-30 cm (Ledum creeping), 1.2 meters (other types of Labrador tea). For all members of the genus Ledum L. characteristic of mycorrhiza, leaves are dark green, leathery, with the smell, pubescent (b. creeping). Flowers are white, pink, small, clustered in umbellate shields. Fruit box. Bloom Ledum from April-may (L. decumbens, L. macrophýllum, L. hypoleucum) until mid-June. L. palústre, which grows in the more favorable climatic conditions blossoms in June-July. Sprouts contain oxybenzoic acid, flavones, aurons, chlorophyll, flavonons, flavonols, anthocyanins, xanthones. In the leaves of rosemary also found glycosides phenolacids, phenols and their derivatives (arbutin, hydroquinone) and tannins, in particular leditanic acid, flavonoids (miricetin, kaempferol, hyperoside, hyperin, azaleatin, catechin and others). There are also phenolic and hydroxy cinnamyl acid, Gallic, cafe, o-coumaric, p-coumaric, p-oxybenzoic, ferulic, chlorogenic); coumarins (esculetin, esculin, scopoletin, scopolin, fraxetin, fraxetin-7-glycoside, umbelliferon), steroids (sitosterol), triterpenoids (taraxerol, uvaol, ursolic acid, α and β-amirins). In the literature indicates the presence in the leaves of rosemary vitamins (ascorbic acid), alkaloids, macro- and microelements. Composition of essential oil of rosemary depends on the place of its growth, the researchers attribute this to the influence of ecological-geographical factors or systematic heterogeneity of species. So, the dominant components in the sample of the essential oil from the Leningrad region are myrcene, ledol and palustrol; in the sample of the Sayan mountains is dominated by p-cymene, β -pinene and germacron (E.G. Kirialov, T.N. Naugolnay); in samples from the European part of Russia - myrcene, lepalin, lepalol, ledol, palustrol, cyclocolorenon (N.S. Mikhailova). In the Siberian samples rosemary prevail p-cymene, 1,8-cineole, α-pinene, β-pinene, 3-carene, camphene, limonene, bornilacetat, linalool, geraniol, alloaromadendren, ledol (about 4 %), palustrol, calamenen (T.P. Berezovskaya with co-authors, M.V. Klokova with co-authors). A significant number of studies devoted to the study of the content of the ethereal oil of the ledol, which makes antitussive action Ledum palustre shoots associated with the oppression of the Central mechanisms expectorant reflex. Most ledol (up 41 % compared to whole ethereal oil) accumulates in the spring and autumn periods, and under favorable weather conditions of vegetation period of plants growing in shady habitats. From terpenoid part of the essential oil of Ledum hypoleucum, which the plant contains about 0.54 %, were isolated and identified 21 mono - and 12 of sesquiterpene connections. In the ethereal oil of Ledum macrophýllum of Khabarovsk Krai identified 32 terpenic compounds. Volatile oil content in vegetable raw materials 1,94-2,32 %. In the ethereal oil of Ledum decumbent of Yakutia identified 34 terpenoid. The use of rosemary in medicine practice due as expectorant, anti-hypertensive, bacteriostatic, hemostatic, sedative, anticonvulsant, antiallergic action. Of Ledum palustre shoots prepare the ointment, the essential oil, decoctions, tinctures, teas, fees, oil extracts (Ledum oil), a tincture of. In the first place, both in scientific, and in folk medicine should use rosemary as an expectorant, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agent in bronchopulmonary diseases (bronchitis, tuberculosis, bronchial asthma, asthmatic bronchitis, cough, painful cough, whooping cough). It is used in diseases of the joints, myositis or neuritis, gout, sciatica, when injuries (for pain), hematoma and abscesses, blotches, chickenpox, in places of stings of the snakes and insects, to enhance blood circulation in endarteriite. The pharmaceutical industry produces drugs «Ledinum», «Bronchofit», «Chest collection № 4». Shoots Ledum macrophýllum applied as an expectorant cough, whooping cough, and also at rheumatism, stomach diseases and chronic arthritis. Leaves Ledum hypoleucum in national medicine apply gynecological diseases, rheumatism, a tuberculosis of lungs, with a strong cough. Ledum decumbens in officinal and folk medicine is practically not used in the experiment has its high anti-inflammatory and antifungal activity.
Pages: 11-19

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