350 rub
Journal №2 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Biosynthesis of [2H]phenylalanine with different levels of isotopic enrichment, produced by facultative methylotrophic bacterium Brevibacterium methylicum with RMP-cycle assimilation of carbon
O.V. Mosin - Ph.D. (Chem.), Research Scientist, Moscow State University of Applied Biotechnology, Russia. E-mail: mosin-oleg@yandex.ru
I.I. Ignatov - Ph.D. of the European Academy of Sciences Estesstvenno, Hannover; Professor, Director of the Research Center of Medical Biophysics, Sofia, Bulgaria. E-mail: mbioph@dir.bg
On example of L-phenylalanine secreted Gram-negative aerobic facultative methylotrophic bacteria Brevibacterium methylicum, assimilating methanol via ribulose-5-monophosphate (RMP) cycle of assimilation of carbon, the preparative microbial synthesis by methylotrophic bacteria of amino acids labelled with stable isotopes, including deuterium (2H), suitable for biomedical applications and clinical diagnostics, was studied. The data on adaptation of L-phenylalanine secreted methylotrophic bacterium В. methylicum to the maximal concentration of deuterium in the growth medium with 98 % 2Н2O and 2 % [2Н]methanol, and biosynthesis of deuterium labelled L-phenylalanine with different levels of enrichment are submitted. The developed method of biosynthesis allows to obtain [2Н]phenylalanine with different levels of isotopic enrichment, depending on concentration of 2Н2O in growth media, from 17 % 2Н (2 at. 2Н) (on growth medium with 24,5 % 2Н2О) right up to 75 % 2Н (6 at. 2Н) (on growth medium with 98 % 2Н2О) with introduction of deuterium to benzyl С6Н5СН2-fragment of molecule that is confirmed with the data of the electron impact (EI) mass- spectrometry analysis of methyl ethers of N-dimethylamino(naphthalene)-1-sulfochloride (dansyl) [2H]phenylalanine in these experimental conditions.
Pages: 53-65

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