350 rub
Journal №12 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Development of technology and soft medicinal forms antihistamine action based on medicinal plants
N.V. Prokuschenko - Post-graduate Student, Belgorod National Research University. E-mail: Scarlett_77_912011@mail.ru
E.T. Zhilyakova - Dr.Sc. (Pharm.), Professor, Belgorod National Research University. E-mail: ezhilyakova@bsu.edu.ru
D.I. Pisarev - Dr.Sc. (Pharm.), Associate Professor, Belgorod National Research University. E-mail: pisarev@bsu.edu.ru
At the present time, in view of the deteriorating environmental conditions, improper diet, excessive drug therapy and uncontrolled use of antibiotics, increasing attention is paid to the impact of allergic diseases on livelihoods and human performance. Today antihistamine solid dosage forms are the most popular means to deal with allergies, having a wide range of possibilities. But becoming more common in medical practice, all countries of the world in the treatment of allergies get suppozitornoj drugs. It is known that the clinical manifestations of allergies differ considerable variability in the process allergies can involve any tissue and organs, and individual allergen can cause a number of symptoms. These symptoms most often lead to the development of depressive and anxiety, therefore, for the correction of psycho-emotional disorders as a means high security therapy can be considered a sedative fees, widely used in modern pharmacotherapy [2]. Very popular on the Russian pharmaceutical market of medicinal plant raw material is sedative collection of the following composition: rhizome with the roots of Valerian, hops ordinary, leaves of mint peppery, leaves of watch three leaf. In this regard, the working hypothesis is that, reaching from the above-mentioned raw material drug collection and developing technology for the production of extracts, can be obtained in the form of a thick extract form with sedative, anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect. Pharmacological effects and mechanism of action of a thick extract based on the properties of active components in its composition. One of the most important classes of active compounds in medicinal plant raw materials are flavonoids, which are known to have a number of physiological activities, including pronounced hepatoprotective, choleretic, anti-inflammatory and other properties [1]. This is due to the need to develop methods of quantitative determination of active substances in the collection as a method of standardization.
Pages: 63-64

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