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Journal №12 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Variability of component composition of bur marigold herb when using different drying conditions
N.V. Korozhan - Post-graduate Student, Vitebsk State Order of Peoples Frendship Medical University. E-mail: k_natashka@mail.ru
G.N. Buzuk - Dr.Sc. (Pharm.), Associate Professor, Vitebsk State Order of Peoples Frendship Medical University
Bur marigold herb possesses antioxidant, hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, anti-allergic types of activity [1-4] mostly because of the presence of flavonoids in the raw material. However, the impact of drying conditions on the content and component composition of flavonoids was studied. The study object is Bur marigold herb harvested in 2014 and dried in several drying temperatures, with and without ventilation. 60 % ethanol was used as extragent to prepare the extracts for analysis. The study of the extracts component composition was performed according to [5]. The most various extract component was marked for raw materials dried in natural conditions. Flavones, chalcones, aurones, hydroxycinnamomic acids derivatives, polyacetylene were found. Flavones were established to be the dominant group of compounds in Bur marigold herb. The amount of these compounds decreased remarkably with an increase of drying temperature without ventilation. The chalcones amount increased sharply at 100 ºC. Aurones were destroyed at a drying temperature above 40 ºC. The total flavonoid content at any drying temperature without ventilation was lower than in the raw material, dried in natural conditions. Polyacetylene content was maximum at 40 ºC, and it was not at all revealed at 100 ºC. Since polyacetylene was not detected in raw materials dried at various temperatures in a forced ventilation regime. While drying materials with a forced ventilation flavone glycosides amount was higher, and aglycone amount was lower than in the raw materials dried in natural conditions. Chalcones content increased more than 3 times under these conditions. Component composition of aurones changed and the amount of these compounds decreased with the increase of drying temperatures. The total flavonoid content in raw materials during drying with forced ventilation was higher than that in raw material dried in natural conditions. Taking into consideration these data, we can recommend Bur marigold herb drying in nature conditions, or in the dryer with forced ventilation not higher than 50 ºC.
Pages: 49-50

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