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Journal №12 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Medicinal plants as the sources of natural «quorum sensing» inhibitors
D.G. Deryabin - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Professor, Head of the Microbiological Department, Orenburg State University. E-mail: dgderyabin@yandex.ru
A.A. Tolmacheva - Post-graduate Student, Microbiological Department, Orenburg State University. E-mail: annatolmacheva56@gmail.com
Medicinal plants that prevent or treat the infectious disease are widely used by traditional (folk) medicine for a long time. This activity is usually explained by the organic microbiocides (phytoncides and phytoalexines) derived from plants. In this article we have presented the novel data on medicinal plants and plant-derived naturally occurring compounds that promote other antimicrobial strategy targeting on cell-to-cell communication in bacteria (named «quorum sensing», QS). Widespread of anti-QS activity among phylogenetically diverse groups of higher plants stated as well as the plant families with most frequent and pronounced anti-QS activity were revealed. We described the history of anti-QS compound identification and the present data that show variety and diversity of plant-derived small molecules inhibiting «quorum sensing» of phytopathogens in wild nature. In addition, we have discussed the possible mechanisms of anti-QS activity that developed through the damage of various components in the «quorum sensing» system. Preliminary research results demonstrate plant-derived compounds activity against QS in human-s and animal-s bacterial pathogens that show these compounds as attractive alternative for antibiotic therapy.
Pages: 4-12

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